
October 5, 2012


It is 12:28am.
Yes, I should be in bed.
However, I was suppose to work tonight, but I got put on call.
Therefore, I am wide awake because I slept until 2pm today.
Anyways, Jason painted some more in the kitchen today & started working on the cabinets.
While he was painting, I cleaned out the cabinets & wiped them down.
Yes, I know I'm going to have to do the same thing when we get finished.
I just didn't want anyone to come over to the house & our cabinet doors be off & they think we're nasty people because of how awful the inside of our cabinets look!
They were horrible!
We went to Lowes before getting supper tonight so we could pick out a light fixture for the kitchen & also so we could pick out new hardware for the cabinets.
Lowes is awesome.
Its funny how Lowes use to be the most boring store to go in.
Or so I thought growing up.
However, now that I have a house of my own, I love that store!
You can get so many great ideas there.
I know my hubby hates taking me there with him.
LOL. I come up with more projects every time I enter the doors!
I really hope work doesn't call me anytime soon to come in to work.
They have been known to call at 1:30am.
Yes, annoying.
I can't complain though, at least I have a job.
A very rewarding job at that.
I get to help save lives every weekend.
Peoples lives are in my hands.
It feels pretty great.
I think I'm going to head to bed & hopefully get some sleep.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
I probably won't be blogging again until Monday or Tuesday.

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