
January 10, 2013


Didn't know what to title this blog. Haha. So, my birthday was a good day. I had lunch with J & dinner with the rest of the family. We went to Outback & it was delicious. For my birthday I got money from my parents & J's parents. I got 5 $10 scratch off tickets & a red velvet cake from J. Haha. Our Vegas trip the end of this month was my Christmas/birthday gift from J! So part of my birthday gift I got on Christmas. My brother gave me a $25 iTunes card & I of course already used it downloading music this morning. I downloaded the new Chris Tomlinson cd, Hinder, & Pinks new cd. Oh, & I purchased the single from Nashville soundtrack called Change Your Mind. I have already been jamming today! Music always puts me in a good mood.

I am so happy I purchased this iPad mini! I absolutely love it! I use it every single day & don't think I could live without it now. That's sad isn't it? I hardly ever use the desktop or my laptop anymore.

Tomorrow night it is back to work for me. Bummer. I love my job, but I love being home too. I could so be a housewife! I just love to spend money too much not to work! Haha. I am sure my priorities will change once we have a little one. Speaking of that, I have thought about blogging about our trying to conceive journey just so I can remember a long time from now what we actually went through. I'm kind of hesitant because I didn't want to be so public about it, but honestly, I don't think very many people if any read this blog. It is more so I place for me to write how I am feeling & what is going on in our lives more so than anything. I don't have a very good memory so I need something like this to look back on one day.

I'm going to think about it some more today & make a decision whether or not it is something that I want to open up about in this huge cyber world. We will see.

I really need to take some pictures of the kitchen now that we have finished it so I can post on here & do a before & after. Can't wait to compare pictures! I love my kitchen so much now! My hubby did a wonderful job!

That is all for now!

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